Raptorial sperm whales

Ancient 'Moby Dick' ripped whales apart

Unlike other sperm whales with functional teeth in the upper jaw, none of the tooth roots were entirely present in the premaxilla portion of the snout, being at least partially in the maxilla. It would be decades before we learn that sperm whales are the most social of all the whales.


Thar she blows, an ancient cannibal

Translation of "sperm whales" in Polish

My name Daniela. Age: 27. Lasдѓ-mдѓ sдѓ-х›i faci visele sдѓ se ц®mpleteascдѓ.Private photo
Description: Giant sperm whale from the Miocene period discovered in Peru.
Views: 8409
Date: 10.09.2019
Favorited: 90

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