I know that it was intended to be light hearted, but I worry that the Wield your wiener line on drunk sex was extremely misleading and one sided. I feel like it propagates the misconception that males are the only ones really responsible for sex acts done in inebriation.
By: Mckeand
классно сосет
By: Janee
For the how to ask your partners to get tested question, I am lucky in that I am poly and in the community I am involved with that is part of negotiations. No ones genitals goes near anyone elses until recent hard copies of test results are seen.
By: Genaro
I live sucking cock, and cant seem to get enough. Good t hing my husband likes sharing me. I don't have to sneak around. I can have all the cock I want as long as I tell him...why ruin a great deal
By: Pinto
Love this video, but I would respectfully suggest you add a trigger warning for those of us in eating disorder recovery.