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THE STING Ii Men Lure Schoolgirl to Seedy Motel for Double Creampie SCENE opens 1 dark as Trix, an 18- year- old street babe, looms inward forepart of a big graffiti wall that marks her favorite corner. Cars aswellas pedestrians turnover by, as the babe lingers. The videocamera cuts inward closer to reveal her scantily clad outfit aswellas high heels as they dig into the gravel route. She lights upwardly a cigarette. A auto tardily pulls upwards inadditionto a bro leans out the window. ' Do you want a ride? He asks gruffly. Giving him the quick once- over togetherwith stubbing out her fume, Trix agrees too crosses the automobile to acquire into the frontend place. Onetime within, the dude, a husky blue- neckband type, takes a instant before asking what she' s into. Putting on her street- smart mentalattitude, Trix tells him that it depends what he' s looking for. ' I' m looking for an all dark form of thing, he replies coldly. Trix bites her lip, giving him someother goodness seem, before cautiously responding that that is fine. He tells he knows a sound motel aswellas they drive off. A hotel clerk sits hunched behind his desk, scribbling annotations into a little patch notes volume when the bell chimes. He looks upwards, distracted, to regain the blue- neckband bro standing with Trix at his side. He asks for a room for the right, preferably the i on the end if it' s unloosen. The clerk closes his volume too stares at the span. Without saying anything, he points to a NO SOLICITING sign beside his window. Trix steps frontward togetherwith assures the clerk that it' s just her togetherwith her dude passing through town aswellas looking for a quiet location to slumber. Naught to worry about. The clerk looks hard at the younglady before turning his eyes dorsum to the bro. ' Lastly one' s vacant, he says. ' I' ll demand some ID. The bro hands the clerk a card as the clerk hands him dorsum a key. Cutting to Trix inadditionto the guy exiting the clerk' s businessoffice too walking downwards the motel' s exterior lobby to their room on the end. They disappear within, leaving the videocamera to linger on the stillness of the nighttime. After a few.

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